Friday, April 29, 2016

Dylan wakes up in the middle of a corn feild H look at the watch it's says 7:42, he had just waken up from a dream. The corn feild was very big and vast and with only one road

Monday, April 25, 2016

Dream symbols

My recurring dream is me on a boat with a Jimmy Neutron and some random people, we sail around on a boat and everynow and then we find an island that we explore and look for stuff on. Then we just keep on sailing around the ocean going from island to island looking on them. 

I think my dream is trying to tell me that I'm gonna end up going on lots of adventures wth people who love doing the same thing as me. It also might be trying to tell me to get out more and do something instead of just sitting at home. 

My dream: my mom and my brother driving around Montana just talking about random stuff the scenary is slightly macabre and old seems almost very cartoonish like old cartoony grass lands and plains that seem to go on forever, my mom is passed on in real life so it really makes the dream special, the dream makes me feel like it actually real like I'm actually with my mom driving around Montana just talking and nothing else. 

Key symbols
Driver:A driver other than yourself can represent an authority figure in your real life, someone whom you're allowing to have a say about some aspect of your life or to make decisions that affect your life direction
Feeling: The feelings of people other than yourself in your dream can represent feelings you're imagining, expecting, or fearing—especially when the person is someone you know in real life. 
Leaving someone: An ending or a phase coming to a close in your real life

My interpretation
I feel like my dream was trying to tell me that my mom is ok and that she is a better place, my seems very just normal like the way she would normally act in real life, she just seems happy and when the dream ended she didn't seem sad to see me go, I would say in tha time in my life I was very sad in general and I think my mind was just trying to tell me to be happy because that's what my mom would have wanted

Friday, April 8, 2016



The libertarians beleive in no law and total freedom and being able to do what they want, here are some of the things that would be different if we were a completely libertarian country here are some of he countries not so much current issues but just some example of laws and regulations that are in the country.

 I've eaten lots of pork and never gotten sick so I don't see why people say it's bad for you and yes pigs to eat everything but there stomachs and intestines can probably handle it like how moose can eat twigs and still survive, I think it's really stupid people should be able to eat whatever they want without a permits it's just really stupid like its food you should b able to eat any food you want if you get sick hey that's your own fault you took the risk of eating them so you should be able to buy them.

would like to see all the big farms go and maybe just have smaller more home owned for lots of generations farms I would much rather pay extra for good tasting fruit and veggies instead of buying 3 packs of strawberries that taste gross and go rotten after 3 days or better yet just have every start there own far, and grow there own food and then that's even cheaper just gotta buy seeds and make sure it's all growing well.

You should also be able to sell your kidneys because if you only need one and if someone else needs one yea sure there gonna have to pay for it buts that life for ya as much as I would like to donate my kidney I feel like me having to goes through a couple hour surgery and then have to recover take time off from work just so someone else can live I feel like that has a price everything in this world has a price it should be the doners choice weather or not they can sell or donate and they also pick a reasonable price for the kidney but nothing to extreme like anywhere from 1$-75,000$ I think would be appropriate 

I think express lanes are a very useful thing because if your running low on time your obviously gonna wanna pay for faster traffic so I think they are a very good idea because certain people need to be places faster and as long as you maybe worked some extra hours thay could cover the cost of you use int the express lanes everyday. And like what one of the men said using the express lanes helps him not have to pay the day care for keeping his kids past pickup time and you will have extra time for stuff when you get home.

23 states aloud medical marijuana and 2 allow rereational.  It's helped millions and millions of people it helped my friend grandfather live for an extra couple months. Also in Colorado they are making so much money from the legal marijuana they don't know what to do with all the tax money, so they deceided to just put it into cancer reasearch and into the education system. If we legalized marijuana all over the us think of how much money you would get from the taxes along and how much crime would go down and people would just be a lot happier over all.

I feel we need less government control I'm not saying throw the government out the window and get rid of it but we really should be banning a plant that has multiple medicinal values and that you have to get a permit to sell hotdogs that are wrapped in bacon. We should have less laws but keep some necessary ones and not have as much government

Gas prices

The reason why oil prices are so low is because all countries that sell oil to the us and other countries are competing for prices so much countries even Russia who's having a struggling economy right now has pretty low prices. The gas prices are down roughly 43 cents from this time last year. The bad part about low gas prices is though that means there is gonna be more traveling which increases the Risk of accidents and that's also gonna increase global warming. Some big companies such as chevron and BP have decided to make pay cuts to help save money and keep prices low. One barrel of oil in February  was $26.21 a gallon which is insanely cheap for oil. "After a prolonged slide that took oil prices within sight of the $20-a-barrel threshold last month, sentiment in commodity markets seems to have turned, raising the question of whether oil prices have finally bottomed" this is quote from a news article I read by Jad Mouawad, I really like the article because it explained why gas and oil prices are the way they are. The article never went off topic or anything. 

I read a couple of blogs about gas prices not to many of them had good info but there was a couple. One of the more interesting things I found out is that the Canadian gas company Esso sold over 500 of it locations to help save money in the effort to help keep there prices lower. For the coming months it seems gas is gonna stay right around the 2$ and under mark hopefully it stays that way for a while to. For me it's takes roughly 25$ to fill my take and my take is roughly I'd says 13-15 gallons but for 25 hey I'm not complaing and my car gets roughly 15-16 mpg so I really hope gas stays right around 2$ a gallon.

As you can see gas price are definitely fluctuating and going down and going up and in between.The gas prices now are definitely a lot better than what they were when bush was in office and when Obama first took over. The current price for a gallon of crude oil is roughly 36$ a gallon which isn't too bad for the current economy but they are back on the rise. Some good websites are Bloomberg and the website on which is shows the current gas prices for your state and what they have been and what the lowest and highest have been. A really good website to use is gas to find the cheapest gas in your area you just type in your town and state and what kind of gas you want and you will have the cheapest gas in the area

Gas is a thing we need every single day to get to work, to go to the store, to really do anything or go anywhere. We are always gonna use fossil fuels every single day and the supply and demand on those will always change. 

The gift of kindness 
"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see"- Mark twain

    The movie is very good and interesting and my dad served 20 years in the air force and he always taught me to respect the people who serve our country. My friend who is going into the army I just thanked him the other day for going in even though  he doesn't ship out till march and I saw a man in a military uniform at the gas station the other day and while me and my friend were their I thanked him for his survice while he was pumping gas. You should always respect and give thanks to those who serve because without them we wouldn't be here right now. This movie kind of inspires me too join the military and that you should always be nice because you don't know what that person has been through and or what that person has done so no matter the cause just be be nice so it inspires me too be nice to people.
  I like Bill the most because he takes in stray cats even tho he is in poverty he gives them something nice even though he doesn't have a lot to give.  He also talks about being sad that he is sick but he still continues to go see the troops. I know when I am sick I never wanna go out and public and sense Bill is elderly on top of being sick on the middle of winter it must be really hard for him to go and greet the troops but he still manages to get up and go greet the troops even when he is not in the best condition of his life.

   The people at Wendy's gave me free chicken nuggets because they felt for giving me chicken nuggets that were in the old batch from that after noon. So all in al I got 12 nuggets and 6 of them were free when I said my nuggets were fine but they gave me free ones anyways. Another act of kindness I do on a daily basis is I  take out my elderly neibhors trash everyday and I have been doing that for about 2 years now and I also shovel her walk way and help get decorations for them from their storage unit it makes her happy because she has a bad hip and can't get around that well anymore.

   Once me and my dad were going to Portland to run some errands and on the way there an asshole cut a lady off and she swerved and went off the road into the snow that was around 3 feet deep and we pulled over and helped her out of her car and we called the police and made sure she was ok and if she needed any further help I had to to give a witness report and everything for the police officer.

   I'm gonna apply this in my life by always thanking soldiers for their service and by always doing so wing nice for people weather it's holding the door for someone or towing someone out of a snow bank  . Our generation and the generation before us both show that they are kind buts it's kind of our job now to be kind and hold the door for those people who are walking into Walmart or even as simple as saying have a nice day when hanging up the phone. Kindness come in all shapes and forms and everyone should apply it to their life in one way or another--

News article

2 men murdered on back road in northern Maine 

James foley essay
No I would not choose this job because you are going into an active war zone and could get shot at. Another reason would journalism doesn't interest me that much, some other reason would be because you would not get to see family and friends often if you were always going into different countries. You're job would depend on you getting the best story you possibly could and that's just something I probably would chicken out on like" your gonna go into an active war zone and take notes while your there and come back with a really captivating story, oh and you could die in the process" yep no thanks I'm good

   I don't really have an opinion on Isis or anything like that I don't watch a lot of news of anything. " James cared more about everyone else and didn't care any about himself" I agree with this because I'm always a nice person if your nice to me, I've given plenty of friends rides from Sanford for free just because it was out of my own niceness I didn't charge gas money or anything. Another thing from that is I do care a lot about certain friends more than I can about myself I could care less what happens to me in the future if I had to choose between my friend being happy and me and being sad I'd choose that any day. It comes back to I know what true sadness feels like and I don't want anyone to experience what I've felt over the years emotionally because it's just that bad. I apply a little of what I saw in the movie to my own life no every single bit but just some small things here and there.

   I beleive Isis isn't really an issue because our military is so huge and advanced that we could easily take them on defeat them and I think we have proved that we can crush them in any way shape or form. When I first say the whole thing of James gettin beheaded I didn't pay much attention to it because like I said Isis is a small organizezation that isn't really funded in any way, yes they can try and recruit people but it hasn't really worked. I remeber Isis saying something like" we have over 60 trained Isis soldiers in each state" well I mean we have a bunch of civilians with guns and a full on military so I think they would stand no chance against us. 

   The fact James was so strong during that entire thing on live television and that he didn't show any fear or anything just shows that he was a very strong and caring person because I think anyone would be scared in that situation. I have mad respect for the man if wants to go into an active war zone and find out the truth about stuff just to MAYBE have a news station or something like that and maybe make money off his stories. In the end yes he did die and it is very tragic but as a nation we have to deal with tragedies on a daily basis and together our troops over seas can fight Isis and make them wish they didn't mess with America.