Tuesday, February 23, 2016


No I would not choose this job because you are going into an active war zone and could get shot at. Another reason would journalism doesn't interest me that much, some other reason would be because you would not get to see family and friends often if you were always going into different countries. You're job would depend on you getting the best story you possibly could and that's just something I probably would chicken out on like" your gonna go into an active war zone and take notes while your there and come back with a really captivating story, oh and you could die in the process" yep no thanks I'm good

   I don't really have an opinion on Isis or anything like that I don't watch a lot of news of anything. " James cared more about everyone else and didn't care any about himself" I agree with this because I'm always a nice person if your nice to me, I've given plenty of friends rides from Sanford for free just because it was out of my own niceness I didn't charge gas money or anything. Another thing from that is I do care a lot about certain friends more than I can about myself I could care less what happens to me in the future if I had to choose between my friend being happy and me and being sad I'd choose that any day. It comes back to I know what true sadness feels like and I don't want anyone to experience what I've felt over the years emotionally because it's just that bad. I apply a little of what I saw in the movie to my own life no every single bit but just some small things here and there.

   I beleive Isis isn't really an issue because our military is so huge and advanced that we could easily take them on defeat them and I think we have proved that we can crush them in any way shape or form. When I first say the whole thing of James gettin beheaded I didn't pay much attention to it because like I said Isis is a small organizezation that isn't really funded in any way, yes they can try and recruit people but it hasn't really worked. I remeber Isis saying something like" we have over 60 trained Isis soldiers in each state" well I mean we have a bunch of civilians with guns and a full on military so I think they would stand no chance against us. 

   The fact James was so strong during that entire thing on live television and that he didn't show any fear or anything just shows that he was a very strong and caring person because I think anyone would be scared in that situation. I have mad respect for the man if wants to go into an active war zone and find out the truth about stuff just to MAYBE have a news station or something like that and maybe make money off his stories. In the end yes he did die and it is very tragic but as a nation we have to deal with tragedies on a daily basis and together our troops over seas can fight Isis and make them wish they didn't mess with America.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

News story

2 men murdered on back road in northern Maine