Chris's brain
He's sees everything in detail
He likes space and he's know a lot about the world
Can't read faces
Does not like loud noise or screaming
Cold and wet grass is comforting
Brain test: I saw them pass it about 20 times and I saw a guy in a gorilla costume. The first time I ever saw this video I did not see the gorilla and was surprised one was there. I think this is too test too see how we can become so focused on one thing and not see anything else
Chris's brain notes
His brains work slowly*
Comforting to think about the universe and the stuff in it
He's knows measurements of rooms
He hates metaphors
He always likes to know the time
He and his dad touch hands
He didn't mean to hurt the police officer
Hidden brain npr
People assume you will communicate better with someone you know because you have know them for a long time and you think you too are on the same page. Like the example a couple is in a room and the wife says" it's hot in here" what the life is saying is that the husband should open a window to cool down the rooms and the husband thinks that the wife is just making a general statement by saying" it's hot in here". When you first meet someone you want to make sure they will understand you so you make sure to be very clear about certain things. As suppose to when you know someone you just assume that they are on the same page as you and you don't question in.
Notes on Chris's brain continued
He has a lot of fears of the unknown*
He likes facts and the truth
He likes to be alone when he's sad
He likes hospitals
He hates change
He doesn't take orders
Needs specific directions
Best guess: the father killed it so him and mrs shears could get closer
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