Friday, September 25, 2015

Week one of book

Video of artist: watched a video about Steven wiltsheer who draws Rome just from memory. I thought autism was you just had trouble learning and speaking. But now I think of it as maybe if you lose some of one sense and it strengthens another or that he just gets really focused on that and not anything else.

Chris's brain
He's sees everything in detail 
He likes space and he's know a lot about the world
Can't read faces
Does not like loud noise or screaming
Cold and wet grass is comforting 

Brain test: I saw them pass it about 20 times and I saw a guy in a gorilla costume. The first time I ever saw this video I did not see the gorilla and was surprised one was there. I think this is too test too see how we can become so focused on one thing and not see anything else 

Chris's brain notes
His brains work slowly*
Comforting to think about the universe and the stuff in it
He's knows measurements of rooms
He hates metaphors
He always likes to know the time
He and his dad touch hands
He didn't mean to hurt the police officer 

Hidden brain npr
People assume you will communicate better with someone you know because you have know them for a long time and you think you too are on the same page. Like the example a couple is in a room  and the wife says" it's hot in here" what the life is saying is that the husband should open a window to cool down the rooms and the husband thinks that the wife is just making a general statement by saying" it's hot in here". When you first meet someone you want to make sure they will understand you so you make sure to be very clear about certain things. As suppose to when you know someone you just assume that they are on the same page as you and you don't question in. 

Notes on Chris's brain continued 
He has a lot of fears of the unknown*
He likes facts and the truth
He likes to be alone when he's sad
He likes hospitals 
He hates change
He doesn't take orders
Needs specific directions
 Best guess: the father killed it so him and mrs shears could get closer

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Kindness essay

Jake Lewis
English 12
                                                                        The gift of kindness 
"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see"- Mark twain

    The movie is very good and interesting and my dad served 20 years in the air force and he always taught me to respect the people who serve our country. My friend who is going into the army I just thanked him the other day for going in even though  he doesn't ship out till march and I saw a man in a military uniform at the gas station the other day and while me and my friend were their I thanked him for his survice while he was pumping gas. You should always respect and give thanks to those who serve because without them we wouldn't be here right now. This movie kind of inspires me too join the military and that you should always be nice because you don't know what that person has been through and or what that person has done so no matter the cause just be be nice so it inspires me too be nice to people.
  I like Bill the most because he takes in stray cats even tho he is in poverty he gives them something nice even though he doesn't have a lot to give.  He also talks about being sad that he is sick but he still continues to go see the troops. I know when I am sick I never wanna go out and public and sense Bill is elderly on top of being sick on the middle of winter it must be really hard for him to go and greet the troops but he still manages to get up and go greet the troops even when he is not in the best condition of his life.

   The people at Wendy's gave me free chicken nuggets because they felt for giving me chicken nuggets that were in the old batch from that after noon. So all in al I got 12 nuggets and 6 of them were free when I said my nuggets were fine but they gave me free ones anyways. Another act of kindness I do on a daily basis is I  take out my elderly neibhors trash everyday and I have been doing that for about 2 years now and I also shovel her walk way and help get decorations for them from their storage unit it makes her happy because she has a bad hip and can't get around that well anymore.

   Once me and my dad were going to Portland to run some errands and on the way there an asshole cut a lady off and she swerved and went off the road into the snow that was around 3 feet deep and we pulled over and helped her out of her car and we called the police and made sure she was ok and if she needed any further help I had to to give a witness report and everything for the police officer.

   I'm gonna apply this in my life by always thanking soldiers for their service and by always doing so wing nice for people weather it's holding the door for someone or towing someone out of a snow bank  . Our generation and the generation before us both show that they are kind buts it's kind of our job now to be kind and hold the door for those people who are walking into Walmart or even as simple as saying have a nice day when hanging up the phone. Kindness come in all shapes and forms and everyone should apply it to their life in one way or another--


Thursday, September 3, 2015

my favorite song, I remember it was the first day I got my license and got a text from Owen asking me to help him with stacking hay so I asked my dad for the keys to Blazer and he  said " keep it under 100".   I was on my way there and also played on the way back and I was very sweaty and not doing the speed limit and I was by myself. the only thing I could see was the road and tree and I was thinking about what I was gonna buy for a drink. I like this song because it has a nice sound to it and it's catchy and it reminds me of my Canadian friend who loves Sam hunt and showed me him.