Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Drinking age 
Recreational marijuana 
Automatic weapons 
Ages for voting army and drinking
No more standardized testing 
People choice to buy what they want
No emissions
Lift kit laws
Tinted windows 
Disagree to all
The preamble to the libertarians" As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.

We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.

Consequently, we defend each person's right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power.

In the following pages we have set forth our basic principles and enumerated various policy stands derived from those principles.

These specific policies are not our goal, however. Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free in our lifetime, and it is to this end that we take these stands." uses a really good hooks in the begenning and the whole" this hot dog is so good it should be illegal, oh wait it is. A really good way to get people to watch it is with a really good hook that will bring people on

6. I've eaten lots of pork and never gotten sick so I don't see why people say it's bad for you and yes pigs to eat everything but there stomachs and intestines can probably handle it like how moose can eat twigs and still survive.

7. I think it's really stupid people should be able to eat whatever they want without a permits it's just really stupid like its food you should b able to eat any food you want if you get sick hey that's your own fault you took the risk of eating them so you should be able to buy them.

I would like to see all the big farms go and maybe just have smaller more home owned for lots of generations farms I would much rather pay extra for good tasting fruit and veggies instead of buying 3 packs of strawberries that taste gross and go rotten after 3 days or better yet just have every start there own far, and grow there own food and then that's even cheaper just gotta buy seeds and make sure it's all growing well.

You should also be able to sell your kidneys because if you only need one and if someone else needs one yea sure there gonna have to pay for it buts that life for ya as much as I would like to donate my kidney I feel like me having to goes through a couple hour surgery and then have to recover take time off from work just so someone else can live I feel like that has a price everything in this world has a price it should be the doners choice weather or not they can sell or donate and they also pick a reasonable price for the kidney but nothing to extreme like anywhere from 1$-75,000$ I think would be appropriate 

I think express lanes are a very useful thing because if your running low on time your obviously gonna wanna pay for faster traffic so I think they are a very good idea because certain people need to be places faster and as long as you maybe worked some extra hours thay could cover the cost of you use int the express lanes everyday

23 states aloud medical marijuana and 2 allow rereational. I've expressed my opinion on it multiple times so yes it should be legal

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Today's news

The most Interesting thing was the exo skeletons because that shows we are evolving into a bettter country with better technology that will really help people. But it's also cool how it can be used in and out of combat for soldiers. The best part is that it helps wounded veterans who can't walk or anything and then it helps them be able to live a more normal life and feel more independent.

Day 2
I remember when th earthquake hit Japan, I was in middle school and I remember it happening and not really thinking much of it because I didn't live there. I know there is still radiation there I read an article last night about how some of the Sharks there that have eaten the fish that are contaminated by radiation are deformed and have growths.

The exoskeleton was really cool it shows that we are evoking and it really cool how you can just do a job deep Unser water and not have to worry about the depth or anything. I find it really cool because I am a welder and that is used for under water welding which you can make a lot of money doing. It's also really cool how much exoskeletons can be.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


You go to a place such as a dmv or an army recruitment office to become a registered voter in your state. I am deffinetly a democrat because I agree with a lot of things they feel strongly about to. More than half of Americans beleive marijuana should be leagalized which I agree with because look what's it done for Colorado they have so much money from the tax on marijuana they don't know what to do with it! Most people are under the impression" it's bad from you because it's a drug". Wrong the only reason marijuana is even illegal is because back in the 50s and 60s, hemp, one of the main things that comes from cannabis is a lot cheaper to produce and a lot easier to grow than trees. So what was gonna happen all of the hemp growing companies were gonna put the paper mills that were using trees out of business. Marijuana also has many medical purposes such as it slows the growth on cancer cells, there have been no recorded deaths from marijuana in history as appose to alcohol and Tabacco and pharmaceuticals like oxycodine and hydrocodine which kill millions per year due to abuse. I have a friends who's grandfather was given on weeks to live but managed to live an extra 6-7 months because of him eating medibles( cookies and brownies with THC in them from marijuana). You take one to many oxycodines that will be the last of your pain, you smoke to much weed you'll just be couch locked for a couple hours and you'll be hungry and order pizza. 

Another thing democrats have opinions about is gun control, now what they believe is you can have all the guns you want but you have to go through the mandatory background check and posess a valid photo i.d at the time of purchase and if it's a handgun you must go through a gun safety class so you can legally carry it on you in public. I also beleive you should have all of these rights and regulations, assault weapons ban, I mean you really have no use for a fully automatic assault rifle or sub machine gun other than target practice.
Edjucation, I have my own opinion on education which is we should have more classes that teach you basic life skills in my 13 years of going to school I have not learned how to buy a new car, or how to balance a check book how to apply for a loan or anything like that. We should take out all the useless classes like science and English and stuff like that and just replace them with a basic life skills class along with math and history because not once in my life have I had to use my knowledge of a friggin plant cell but oh thank god I learned it. Not once have I had to use the knowledge of Shakespeare's books in my lifetime but hey we have to Learn about them for whatever stupid reason. I'd like to see more kids in wood shops and learning to how to get jobs and apply for them rather then have them learning why the mitochondria is the power house of the cell. 

Democrats beleive we should still obviously use oil and gas but they also beleive we should start investing in renewable energy. My opinion is that we should just have giant geothermal plants in cities to heat them instead of using cola fire plants and stuff like that. My step worked in a coal fire plant and he even said him self he needed to find a new better job because that one was probably gonna get shut down due to pullution so he went a found a new job at a water/electric plant in a different state he already had the knowledge of how everything worked he was just gonna get changed to a longer lasting plant that was also more eco friendly. Obiviously we should keep on use one coal and oil  and gas but also invest in more windmills and geothermal plants and stuff like that so don't always have to use nonrenewable resources. 

Abortion, I am a pro choice and here is my reason why, for all those people saying" it's not your choice to get rid of it". Well the little embryo in a woman's stomach can't talk so at that point it's the the mothers choice if the mother cannot take care of it yes she can always put them up for adoption or if she feels it would be best if she got an abortion then yes it's her choice the embryo cannot talk end of story.