22Mike is no longer a game warden till further notice.there going to dead river for a bite to each and it's the place where mike got beat up a guy years before. Wendigo held the meeting at the dead river inn.who ever committed the murder would have had to know the victims were going to sugarloaf and he was suppose to meet Cathy but went out to lunch. They went to the site of the murder, I have afeeling it's one of the people who knew about the we're going to sugarloaf.
23 goes to see Truman dellas and Vernon Tripp, at trading post with lots of weapons. Vernon Tripp got arrested but they had no evidence he made the murder. Truman has an injury on his face. Brenda said her father Truman dellas and Russell Pelletier committed the murders. The reason he has a scar on his face because his chainsaw broke and he also threatened Steven and mike with a rifle and told them to leave.
Game warden research
The average game warden makes 43,000-45,000 a year, there are over 125 game wardens in the state of Maine.you have to be between 21-36 to be a game warden unless you are a veteran or a federal law enforcement then your age doesn't matter. Game wardens enforce hunting,trapping, fishing and recreational vehicle use.
Sally has the same zippo lighter as dads or it is his dad's zippo lighter there is some connection between broder and Brenda Jean because Sally would always call the cops on her drunk customers in case they were driving home.sally feels guilty for sending sending them the back way.going home with Charlie to meet his wife.
The bear from the beginning on the book came back with no rabies. Cathy asked for him to turn everything in badge uniform etc. and he meets Charlie Stevens wife but she is a wheel and they eat some really good food together. They got in a plane crash 6 years ago the third time it was windy and she crashed the plane as they were landing the plane got reduced but 2/3rds it original said they were lucky to be alive
They left Charlie's and as they were leaving mike got a bad feeling about something. Russell was with Brenda Jean one night and he though she was sending him signals and they started kissing then she got off him and started calling him disgusting and all sorts of other names then he fell asleep on the couch and the next morning Jack was waiting over him and then beat the shit out of him he told dorinne he fell doesn't he stairs but she didn't beleive him.
Brenda's angry because mike is leaving and can go live in scarbourgh but Brenda Jean just has to live at rum pond
Mike saw Brenda naked and he really didn't like it but it was his job to watch her and they hear a gun shot but Brenda thought it was Pelletier just hammering.
Pelletier Laying on the floor of the cabin in a pool of blood and there was a blood trail from the cabin so Pelletier had wounded his murderer blood on the trail was as bright as rubies Truman had murdered everyone. He find Truman with a weapon in his hands and when mikes thinks he's dead and Truman grabs him
Truman attacks him and the shotgun had gone off and he got sprayed with blood and he can smell gunpowder and half his head was gone from the shotgun accidental shooting while wrestling the gun. Bruises on him wrist from someone else. Bolt action 30-06 ship man and broder were killed by a 30-06 and Pelletier. Pelletier was shot in the chest by one bullet. The murder was solved but he still needed to find his dad. brenda has a gun and she points at mike. Jack shows up and he's been teamed up with Brenda the whole time.
295 first paragraph, 296 what happened how the murders happened.his dad killed 4 guys. Now he tied up his own son, and they were after broder not shipman, Brenda told him Pelletier and broder raped him but now mike tells his dad what happened and jack took the gun from Brenda and he didn't do anything Charlie Stevens is flying in and his dad shoots the plane down. Everything happened in one week and it's raining. They all leave in the canoe and then the canoe tips over in the water
Dream home
A nice big wood house out on in the middle a clearing in the woods of British Columbia. An awesome game room